Kostas Pavlidis, Yoga Room, 2021. Acrylic and tissue on canvas.

Kostas Pavlidis, Everlast, 2021. Acrylic and tissue on canvas.

Installation view.

Kostas Pavlidis, Cry, 2021. Acrylic and tissue on canvas.

Damp, detail.

Kostas Pavlidis, Wild Horse, 2021. Acrylic and tissue on canvas.

Kostas Pavlidis, Damp, 2021. Acrylic and tissue on canvas.

Kostas Pavlidis, 'Frenzy', installation view.

Installation view.

Kostas Pavlidis, Lighthouse, 2021. Acrylic and tissue on canvas.

Kostas Pavlidis, 'Frenzy'.

17 - 31 Jul 2021

I have a theory about all of these people saying things about size perception and large objects moving extremely slowly and why these experiences are so terrifying, could it be that when people see these extremely large objects moving slowly that the objects are in fact further away than you perceive them to be and alongside this they are actually moving a lot faster than you perceive them to be. This means that they would have to have an incredible, unthinkable amount of force to move them at such a speed and your brain simply can't process this. If this is the case then I'd say the reason they seem so terrifying is that they make us feel so small and insignificant. I myself had dreams about huge, dense objects being suspended hanging from a tiny thin wire and thinking about how strong that tiny wire must be to hold up such a large mass was just disturbing for whatever reason. Another very strange dream which is similar is one in which i have a regular cocktail stick and on it there is the biggest chunk of cheese imaginable, the size of a house or so and that it is only kept there because something has meticulously balanced it there and that any tiny movement i make could topple it causing it to crush me.

- Cheddaraddict, comment, **, posted, 02 Feb, 2014